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Are the Phillies a Team, a Company, or a Brand?

Yes. They are all 3.

Years ago, when a San Francisco Giants friend of mine told me that he’d gone to a couple Oakland Athletics’ games that season, I remember thinking how odd that was. Generally you are a fan of one or the other. The Mets or the Yankees. But, he said, “The A’s have a good product.” That stopped me cold.

Product? I grew up rooting for this team. They play baseball, they are not a product! Within seconds, though, I got it – like, of course they are, totally! (Maybe you hear I’m from California!)

So, are the best-in-baseball Phillies a team, a company or a brand? Yes. Yes. And yes. When you think about it, the Phillies are similar to a professional services company, their employees and players (including the Phanatic) making up their brand. In any company that does not sell a tangible consumer product – like law, accounting, and consulting firms – it’s the people who embody the core characteristics of the brand.

These Phillies are a very impressive group who exemplify the best in sports – talent, character, integrity. They are class act athletes. But even when a new set of players come in, this entrenched brand transcends that change because the Phillies brand is really us. They are our community, they represent this fine city and they are about to beat the pants off Cincinnati. And everyone else who stands in their way.


Thoughts? We’d love to hear your comments.

-Gary Epis & Amy Bond
267-239-0409 ph

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